Day 8

Stayed at home the most for today as compared to the other days... My friend and I made breakfast for our room mates today, we made egg bread (that's is what I used to call it) but my friend said that it's called french toast.

For lunch, one of our friend from the other apartment came to cook for us today. I don't know what's the name of the dish called but it was quite salty although he didn't add any salt inside the dish, but I think it's because of the paste that he used to cook it. 

During the preparation phrase

Head Chef and Sou chef

 I did help out with the rice but it turned out slightly burnt... :(

These are what he made, Stir fry pork with chili paste and the one on the right consist of some luncheon meat, mushrooms, sausages and garlic. 
Lunch is served!
Spent the whole afternoon on my computer, blogging and also watching some of shows online until I took a short nap... woke up feeling hungry and waited for the other apartment mates to arrive before we head off to have Korean BBQ at SinCheon 신천역 area

I have no idea how this total up to about 8000 won per person, I calculated and it should cost about 4000 won per person... but anyway, it was an average rating for me...

After dinner, we went to walk around the area and found some nice scenery of a small park on the way

The atmosphere just looks beautiful to have a walk in the park...
Then on the way to get the fried chicken, we spotted this... He was posing for his Go Pro and so I took a picture of it

Then we arrive at this place to buy the Fried Chicken, Kyo Chon Chicken!

We bought some fried chicken and walked back to our apartment, on the way there we pass by a gaming center, some kind of Arcard in 홍대 Hong Dae and just look at how much this man got from playing!


It's amazing how he's able to catch so many of them, we managed to witness one of them who caught a soft toy from the machine too...

As we were on the way home, we also came across a restaurant that was open by one of the running man member, haha  하하 

Will definitely come and try this restaurant some time later during the 4 months here.
And that ended off my 8th Day in Korea... Will be having an orientation tomorrow in the afternoon...hopefully everything will turn out fine...

Didn't managed to skype my parents today as we came home late in the night... but I did managed to skype with some of my friend in Incheon and have a conference call with some other members as well...

Today didn't turn out well... got teary eye in the afternoon... cried again in the late night....:'( 
Current time now is 2:19AM, I should be sleeping soon... hopefully....


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