tired... went to Hougang Mall to buy new shoes.... but actually I had CCA today but my mum insist on buying the shoes today... by the time I reach home, it was 12.45 and I had to go off at 1.00 so it was quite rush for me...had lots of fun during CCA.. had to measure our waist and so on for the new SYF clothes... hate the colours orange and purple.. do you think it match? no! my younger sister left the bag at the shoe shop and forget to bring it back home... my eldest sister have to make one more trip to that shop to bring the bag back.... Hope she will not be that forgetful again...
Showing posts from 2008
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Super Duper tired today... woke up at 9:25 the latest time I ever woke up... CCA... we had to pack the store.. and it was tiring... move here and there carry here and there.... it was finished about an hour or two... we watch some pictures that was taken when we had CO but it was few years ago... I felt very weird today... I don't feel myself.. I felt like I was in a dream and I don't know why... when I came back from CO no one was at home.... I sat at the staircase until my mum came back she said that dad was at home.. I press the doorbell several time he did not open the door... to my surprise, he was at home! and was in the computer room... he said he might have fallen asleep about an hour...which I think it was his medicine because he went to see a doctor ... hope this won't happen again...
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I am super tired ... just got back from the bungalow.. My dad agreed ! we get to stay overnight at the bungalow... it was huge there... on the first day, we did nothing much... but I like BBQ.. sort of fun because I was hyper active, I slept about 1.30am plus that was the latest time I slep... hahas... but on the second day, we brought Kia Leng to E!hub to play... the adults played bowling, the children played mini bowling and also indoor playground... they had lots of fun after that, went to pasir ris to cycle... it's really lots of fun ! enjoy it... went back at about 4 plus.... not long after, BBQ started! unfortunately, i did not have the chance to BBQ because it was time to go back home :( we ate fried rice plus vegetables and some satay.... then our uncle drive us back home.... I hate goodbyes .... Living room majong room outside of the house... well the picture does not look good as I took it in the night time, I forgot to take it during day time... karaoke room view f...
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It's my parents anniversaries !! hooray for them!! so coincidence, I met 2 friends. One was in E!hub the other one was at the bus stop. But that was not all, my uncle called today saying that he book a bungalow for his child birthday and it start from today and end at 30 I think... after he called, we just reached home.... what a waste... actually wanted to go tonight but my dad denied.. all because of him, I HAVE NOT HAD A OVERNIGHT CHALET BEFORE! ALL HIS FAULT! HATE IT! all thanks to him, no mood to post anymore.
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*_._*_._* *_._*_._* *( ',')(',' )* *( ',')(',' )* *( _ )( _ )* *( _ )( _ )* MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! Went to Metro sale at Expo it was packed with people. Unfortunately, I did not found any clothes that suit me , that I wanted to have... bad luck..Holiday are ending soon!.. Homework not done yet...Tomorrow is my mum and dad anniversaries! We should be going out and eat if I am not wrong... Hope tomorrow would be a wonderful day...
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Its been raining all day... when I woke up at about 7.20, I thought that it was still 6 plus so I went to sleep . But then I realise that it was reaching 8 already... I got to get up... nothing to do taday... actually thought of revising for the coming year, but lazy to do that... hopefully I would do it maybe later in this week... Christmas is coming! , holidays are ending ! new year coming! so many thing happening ... I am so afraid and nervous about next year... I don't know how am I going to do ...
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Had lots of fun during CCA... well to tell the truth, it did not go the way I planned.... I missed some of the notes that I am supposed to play.. but I managed to catch up in the later part...had to report to school on the 29 of December to decorate the notice board, banner and also thinking of what designs will be on our Chinese Orchestra shirt next year...Talked with LiQin alot... I also laugh alot... I was being chase by some sort of bee... it's was big and I was running around the store like a insane person ...when I came back...mum told me that dad phone was not working and I help him fixed it. I'm a pro... hahas...
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Head down to heartland mall to purchase cashew nuts & more... ate there also... after that, went window shopping... then head home... nothing to do at home ... then I ask my mum permission if I could take out the mike that I used when I was at a very young age. She agreed, I took it out and test it... out of the two, one was working perfectly fine while the other was not... the wire became loosen and you have to adjust it so that when you talk into the mike, you could hear yourself... was fun though... we get to sing some of the tacks... but the songs was very old ... examples: money money money, dancing queen, super trouper and many more.... I sort of like the songs a lot... I will be having CCA tomorrow.. hope it go well...
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Went to Hougang Mall to borrow books... Actually wanted to have a hair cut today, but my sister came back late so I think I might going to have my hair cut either tomorrow or next week...nothing much happened today... but I found a very interesting video... it is some song sang by the Chipmunks. It's a mixed song... Alvin And The Chipmunks -Bleeding love, lollipop, no air
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Did absolutely nothing today! Sleep, eat , play ,Sleep, eat , play ,Sleep, eat , play. There's really nothing for me to do.... Having CO again tomorrow , have to report to school at 10am tomorrow... hate it! I just thought of a conversation that I made up .... First Person: Why must we report to school early? Second Person:Because we need to practise. First Person: But why? Second Person:SYF is coming, we need more time to practise. First Person:But why can't we came at a later time? Second Person:We need MORE time to practise! First person:Oh... but why more time? Second Person:YOU ARE SO LONG WITHERED! I am not criticising anybody here. But this conversation just past through my mind...
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Tired... went to school in the morning and came back in the evening... for CCA... because of a teat... scary.... I was nervous and shaky... but I did played some missed it... sooo tired.... played alot .... on Thursday had to report to school at 10am.... I will be getting my hair cut this week but don't know which day... I hope, I won't turn out ugly...
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As my dad is having his two days off work starting from today, he brought us to E!hub to have fun. But before we went to E!hub, we were at Tampinese, my mum and dad had to go to the temple while my eldest sister and me had to take care of younger sister by bringing her to the playground and play...After my parents came, head down to E!hub and dine at pasta mania, which was expensive. Guess what we did after eating? BOWLING! my first time in my whole life my dad brought us to Bowling!!! I was so Happy! I never played bowling before, and I don't know how well I will do. We played 3 games. First ball I bowl,went down the gutter straight...so sad. I lost the first round, first round lost, don't even talked about the second one.... but at the last round, I had confidence in myself, I won! not the first but the second. Took some pictures of it... Dad bowling My mum bowling. Eldest sister bowling My mum and my eldest sister. This photo should have only my mum and me , my youngest ...
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Went to Bugis to shop for some things that is for the new year... my mum spent quite a sum of money there... I kept pestering my mum that I wanted to go home as it was warm there and what's more, it's pack you have to squeeze your way through...reached home at about 2 plus... I was happy then... kept playing with my new handphone... that phone is not that new but it's one year old... I don't mind if it's new , I like the phone...
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yay! I get a new hand phone... so happy... it's a Walkman phone... although it was not new, but I like the function inside... kept playing with it when I got home... nothing really much happened today, helped my mother in house chores, played PSP and that's end my day... tomorrow will be going some where far... might be Bugis...
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Went for a jog this morning... and I was very tired...at about 11 plus, went to Hougang Mall as my younger sister wanted to watch strawberry shortcake.... quite embarassing there because you are the only one in the teenage years wathching that kind of show... and so unluckily , I saw most of my secondary school friends.... first , I spotted two primary school frirends, then after the swrawberry shortcake show, spotted a group of friends from sec 2, on the way going out of Hougang Mall, saw a friend in Chinese Orchestra... see how unluckily I am???
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CCA... had lots of fun . Really enjoyed this day.. sad have to report to school at 10.30am next Tuesday... and it will end at 6.00 plus... hate it ... so LONG..... lots of things happened to me ... I accidentally spit out the food in my mouth when talking to LiQin... hahas... Did not get any scolding from teacher :) soooo happy.... going to play games .... that's it for now..
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Went to E hub although it was raining... dine at Fish & co express, I ate burger and it was nice. My younger sister sat between the chairs and she fall off the chair and sat on the ground immediately, we all started laughing... until now I still cannot resist my laughter... it's was too funny if you were there seeing it LIVE! after our finishing our food, went inside and do window shopping... actually wanted to watch a movie but I think it is a waste because you could buy the CD which will be produce in the later year and you can watch it several times as you want.... CCA tomorrow... I hope everything goes well...
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Went to Expo Hall to shop for New Year clothes. Unfortunately, I did not managed to find one that I like... But I think I saw Miss Muna there, it look like her and she is dress beautifully... at first I was shocked to see her there but then later I thought this is a place where everybody can come, so what's the shock about? My family spent about $90 over dollars there.... $_$ .... My younger sister bought a toy, and within few hours, the light blow.... such a waste of money.... since tomorrow is a public holiday, I hope I can go out and play...
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Woke up quite late, as I slept late last night... nothing to do at home, helping mother in chores... I kind of like cooking very much... Homework not completed yet and school will be reopening in a few weeks time... I am so afraid... well, a few weeks ago, my sister load a game into the PSP which is the DJ max, I am not sure if it is the new version of the old one.. Let me give you some descriptions.the background is white in colour with some back, golden yellow as it's decorations. Normally if you were to wait for the DJ max to load by itself, you would see a video which is animation type , but this one is not animation style. It's real people dancing. I like the songs inside especially Hard To Start... The picture is so CUTE!! I managed to unlock some... Aren't they cute???
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CCA again... had lots of fun playing... nearly got scolding from the teacher. As I mentioned yesterday the dog, U^_^U, was not look like this, instead liqin told me that the dog was actually like this, U^I^U. I actually prefer the one that's above... looks nicer, but if you were to draw out the one below will look more like it... that's all.... bye
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AHH! I am so afraid now. The National Environment Agency came to check our block for any mosquitoes breeding as one of our resident in our block was contacted with Dengue fever... I hope he/she will get well soon. As my immune system is low, I get sick easily. That's why I am so afraid... Dengue fever can be a big matter , can be a small matter. My dad said that Dengue can die. But ,my mum told me that she once contacted with Dengue when she was small, she was weak at that time. Now I am so afraid....
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Went for CCA. This time cannot be late, as I mentioned earlier, if we were to break any one of the rules, we will have to hand copy the rules 100 times. Just today, one of them break it. Had alot of fun during CCA. Then LiQin ask me a question. U^_^U what does the U looks like to you? at first thought , I guess it was a pose by a hand, which is not the right answer, at second thought, I guess it was a face, it was also not the answer. The answer was the picture, U^_^U , looks like a dog, Imagine the U as its ear... get it? this was difficult for me to guess...takes time...
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Went to Tampinese Mall to but my pants as I mentioned few weeks ago... went in all sort of different shops to try their pants. Some was too big, some too small, some looks like very tight. At last I bought one at 77th street. cost about $36.90 , after 30% discount it was $6.90 for that pants... cheap.. later went to Gaint as my sister wants to buy roller skate which I already have it, she told me that she could teach me if she have a pair. I looking forward for it.. hope I won't fall too much. Tomorrow there will be CCA for me... from 1.30-6.00 if I am not wrong. By the way I have completed my math holiday homework.. hooray for me!
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Went to Rivervale Mall this afternoon to shop there and also had lunch there. Actually wanted to buy a 3/4 pants but , there is not much shops that sell shirts and pants. My mum, younger sister and I nearly get lost in finding out way to the Rivervale Mall. But Luckily, my mum get down the bus just after we missed the bus-stop, if not, we'll be at Tampinese... Played Pet Society in the facebook, its fun actually but frustrating to see that you have actually got to the last place. My sister as you know always want to beat me in every single game. In order to do that, she can use the computer until 12 plus just to beat my score... That's wasting electricity...I actually wanted to beat her today but can't because when you play the game over and over again, you will definitely get board. So what I can do is to let her overtake me and maybe I can beat her again...
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Nothing to do, homework not finished yet, actually thought of completing the homework in November, but I was lazy and did not complete my task. Idling at home.... waiting for time to pass by... I hope tomorrow I can go out... if not I would become fatter because all I do was to eat, play, watch & sleep and that's end my day. My sister is at work so I have to take care of her Tamagatchi for her again I am unsure of the spelling , Tamagatchi , if it is right. It's very disturbing because you have to feed her and sent her to work, you also have to bring her to the toilet if there is a poo beside her. and once her happiness drop , you have to give her snacks to eat. The same goes for hungry, you have to give her a meal. I'll end here...
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I was soak with water when I get back from the chalet... because before that, Run Ying and me played water gun. And it was fun.. we reach aloha at about 12 plus then went to their room to play UNO, after a while went to the children playground. it was really fun. Played a while there, went to ride a bike. I "long bang" LiQin half way when I was about to make a stop, I did not tell her and she bump into me... So sorry LiQin. Here are the photos taken today. LiQin & Run Ying Me, the shark, fighting with LiQin, the elephant Run Ying with the shark This is when I started taking photos and LiQin move suddenly. The Shark. This is how the playground looks like. Shark, Horse & Elephant. Playing to let time pass by Me & Run Ying Me with a very stupid and idiot retarded face Me & Run Ying. BBQ 3 of our faces. LiQin with a hotdog. Mirror image. Preparing to shoot people. how its looks on the inside. BBQ Me again, don't know what I am doing. hahas ...