As my dad is having his two days off work starting from today, he brought us to E!hub to have fun. But before we went to E!hub, we were at Tampinese, my mum and dad had to go to the temple while my eldest sister and me had to take care of younger sister by bringing her to the playground and play...After my parents came, head down to E!hub and dine at pasta mania, which was expensive. Guess what we did after eating? BOWLING! my first time in my whole life my dad brought us to Bowling!!! I was so Happy! I never played bowling before, and I don't know how well I will do. We played 3 games. First ball I bowl,went down the gutter sad. I lost the first round, first round lost, don't even talked about the second one.... but at the last round, I had confidence in myself, I won! not the first but the second. Took some pictures of it...

My mum bowling.
Eldest sister bowling
This photo should have only my mum and me , my youngest sister suddenly pop out and destroyed the picture... I son't even know what she(peck hsia) is doing.