I was soak with water when I get back from the chalet... because before that, Run Ying and me played water gun. And it was fun.. we reach aloha at about 12 plus then went to their room to play UNO, after a while went to the children playground. it was really fun. Played a while there, went to ride a bike. I "long bang" LiQin half way when I was about to make a stop, I did not tell her and she bump into me... So sorry LiQin. Here are the photos taken today.

LiQin & Run Ying

Me, the shark, fighting with LiQin, the elephant

Run Ying with the shark

This is when I started taking photos and LiQin move suddenly.

The Shark.

This is how the playground looks like.

Shark, Horse & Elephant.

Playing to let time pass by

Me & Run Ying

Me with a very stupid and idiot retarded face

Me & Run Ying.


3 of our faces.

LiQin with a hotdog.

Mirror image.

Preparing to shoot people.

how its looks on the inside.


Me again, don't know what I am doing.


Run Ying

Kui Bin

Run Ying

pose with a gun.

yummy food!

Kui Bin

Fighting playing water gun.

refilling water.

green apples.

she is dripping wet.

Run Ying

I don't even know what I am doing.

same thing...

Run Ying, me & LiQin

Me & LiQin

Run Ying & me

3 of us again.


can't really see the words huh?

this is where we stay

Making a star.


making shapes
most of the picture are 3 of us if not is 2.

inside the bus
the rest is 3 of us...