Day 64

2 exams in a single day.... It was really tiring... was glad that the papers were manageable and doable... first exam consist of MCQs and True False questions. MCQs were pretty okay, I was surprised that professor asked what is the name of the module.... free marks for that... true false were a little tricky though....

For second lesson, professor went through the paper in class.... I was surprised at how he can just g through all the answers in less than 30 minutes... after going through the answers... I was depressed and prepared for the next exam later....

The second exam was open ended questions... Was pleasantly shocked at the limited amount of space given to explain for each questions, tried to get my main point across, I hope that help me in securing part of the score....

Bad part of today, I got a bad flu during the exams, and my nose kept leaking non-stop, throughtout the exam, I stuck the tissue paper into my nosetril to prevent me from using too much tissue... I do have a very sensitive nose, using too much will cause the skin on my nose to bleed and tear which will be very painful... I've used a little too much today.... the area around m nose starts to hurt a little now... :(

For dinner, I prepared my own porridge as the rest went for friend chicken or have other plans... I came back to the apartment to have a nap first before cooking my own dinner as I was feeling very terrible then because of the cough and the flu.... friends gave me some medication to take to counter those... hopefully I can recover soon...

This was the porridge that I prepared for myself... looks plain but I didn't have much appetite then...

after dinner was back to the studying....4 chapters with over 200 slides.... :( friend from Incheon are leaving today... felt sad and bad at the same time because I didn't get to spent much time together with them.... was busy preparing for mid terms throughout the weekends.... 
felt very tired today.... hope to recover soon....


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