Day 47

Finally got hold of the oreo cereals yesterday and got to have it for breakfast today.... taste wise was not too bad... I didn't add milk with it as I can't take pure milk, I only can take flavored milk...

after breakfast, went back to my desk to complete one of my assignments that was due today... did it all the way until 2 plus before I submitted it online to the portal... did have some difficulties submitting it to the portal but after a few tries everything went smoothly... after submitting, went to prepare my own lunch... as usual, I took whatever I can find in the fridge and cook everything together... 
I've added some dumplings, a few slices of meat and an egg... that's basically what I cook almost every other day... since I'm the only one eating at home... feels kind of sad... 

since I have to meet my buddy late in the evening today at the Express Bus Terminal Station, I thought of going there early to explore the area first... before that I did went to the Citibank to asked about the  exchange rates... it was really bad... :( I did get lost here and there but managed to find my way there...
Took the subway to the Express Bus Terminal Station and unknowingly I took the express bus which was kind of lucky as it got me to the place much faster... did not know I got on an express subway until the announcement said that it was an express subway... there's a underground shopping district at the area and it was really filled with people... I walked down the whole aisle which was like 800 meter long... not only they sell clothing, there were fresh flowers, beddings and a lot of accessories for clothing and also for the home itself... it was a shopping mall just that it does not have any levels... walked around for about 2 hours or so before one of the guy approach me and started asking me somthing in Korean... I did not understand him and asked him for English... he doesn't know, apologies and walked away... I was qute shocked then caused he kept following me from behind for quite a while... 

When it was time, I went to the respection exit to meet the rest of the group... I'm meeting my buddy and the rest of the group at the Han River as one of our mission was to go to Han River and call for delivery...  the scenery there was beautiful



Apparently there's a night market going on for every Friday and Saturday and there are stores selling foods, accessories, plants etc... there was a few people busking there and it just make the whole place feels so cosy...
At times there is some water display at the bridge and it was amazing... it did get a little too cold in the end....

Here's a short video of the water formation...

I was really memorized by it... 
For the delivery, we order  Tteokbokki 떡볶이 and also fried chicken! It was really nice to have spicy food in such a cold weather... after that we they wanted to call us out for drinks.. I didn't want to join them because I have a meeting tomorrow.. and in the end no ones join in for the drinking session... which was kind of weird because when we were having our dinner, it comes with bottle of beer for together with the Chicken and most of them drank a lot.... 

Anyway, it was really nice place to hang out in the evening onward....
After bidding goodbye to them... I took the express train home... but I decided to walk to Hong Dae because  was still too full... before that I went to the washroom as it was an urgent business... took me quite a while to look for bathroom outside the apartment as most of it were locked... after I went to ease myself, I went to look at the different contact lens shop but most of them were closed... was looking for those that are selling at 1+1 at a cheaper price...
However after walking so long... I got lost... I really have no idea where I was until I saw a familiar sign, Aura... there was long queue, a lot of them were smoking, some of them reeks of beer... some were even vomitting... then all of a sudden, the sadness starts to sink in... 

Texted the group that I got lost... asking them for some directions... I did manage to recall a bit here and there... went into some small districts where it was like total darkness... it was really bad... then there's some random people giving out things and he pass it to me so I took a packet and walked away, it was popcorn... 

After walking for so long, I did manage to find my way back home... was glad that I made it home alive... However once I got back home, started to tear here and there... it just feels bad for me all over again... 


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