Day 70 Woke up with a bad cramp... stood in the toilet for quite some time before I came out and lay on the bed again... slept all the way till noon... woke up and had the bread that was given yesterday... then went ahead to prepare and cook Bah Kut Teh along with the left overs from yesterday (Chicken Rice) After having lunch, went ahead to start with the group project first... no one is talking in the chat.... was very worried about the project... it was mentioned in the syllabus that there is going to be a presentation on the coming 8th May but no one in the group seems to be bothered by it... after which I went to search for the apartment that my parents will be staying... it took me quite some time before I managed to find the place.... basically I was just going in circle... I did manage to find the place and also the nearest exit to exit from... went back to the apartment to continue doing the project until we were asked to go off for dinner at Daelim-dong Chi...