Did I do it right or make it worse?

Sometimes I wonder whether what I've done is right... lots of things happened recently and because of that, my closest friend don't talk to each other. It sucks for me to just sit there and do nothing... I can only provide them with a listening ear...telling them to communicate with each other cause inside me is saying that there are some misunderstanding between A and B... I know it's hard, it takes time that is why I left them like that for a few days until I broke up I brought the two of them face to face and "force" them to communicate, tear up and walk away, it's hurts me to do this cause A does not want to see B, does not wants to communicate with but B wants to sees A and has no idea what is going on... I'm tired seeing them like that, it hurts me on the inside and by a lot and to not be able to help? that just makes thing worst. Bringing them together to communicate, is that even the right decision I make? Does it makes thing awkward? Does it clear all the misunderstanding? I just hope I made the right choice... life just sucks a lot these days...


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