I forget to bring my English notes today!!!! I learn a lesson check your bag again when going to school.Today we are having a programme which is the Chinese get to study Malay while the Malay will get to study Chinese well it was fun actually learning other language then Nathan was sitting in front of LiQin and me then when he stand up there is two stickers saying bad things LiQin and I started laughing till our face turned red then we decided to tell him but the others tried to stop us but then at last we told him ...
Got back all my result. I am not very pleased with it. I did not do well. I hope that I can still stay in EA next year but the chances are very slim. I don't want to separate from my friends. I want to stay in EA. I always got this feeling that i will drop to the other class or even drop to N. I hope not. I wanna stay in EA.