YAY! coming to an end of 2007 and a fresh new year is going to begin well but unfortunately my mum fall sick on this day .... I hope she get well soon! =) well as usual I did my daily routine then suddenly a call came in that was my sister forgotten to bring her Ez-Link card with her and I was the one who ran down like a mad girls just to pass her her card and get to tuition in time . I guess that was my exercise for the day xD . Stayed at home with my younger sister as my dad had to bring my mum to the doctor and I was afraid ..... =x but soon I overcome it ... well it was a fun day running and taking care of my younger sister! And also Dinner is on me as my mum is sick . With the help of my dad too well it was fun . I decided to stay up late tonight so that I can count down to 2008!!!!
Showing posts from 2007
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having CO today and it is the last day of the holiday which means that I have to wait for school reopen to have our CCA resume again which is the first day of school!!! So tiring during the holidays!!! and ya yesterday my computer was working from morning til afternoon but not working in the night so I did not get the change to blog =( but it's ok I somehow forget what happened yesterday ....
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wah! so many things happened the past few days!!! ok I'll tell you one by one 26 December 2007 Having CO today and it was tiring we practise the same song for 3 hours imagine the same songs for three hours!!!!!! I am very tired and again I hardly talk to my parent and today was their marriage anniversary.. 25 December 2007 Yay! it is Christmas day so we went to Plaza Singapura to have our meal then head down to orchard road to shop and also buy new year clothes but end up none then walk all the way Tangs Mall take picture CONTINUE walking to Botanic Garden then take pictures . It was a long long long way we are thirsty and also tired . Went to the food court there and bought dinner back and also take a break there like having a drink then take bus 7 to Plaza Singapura from there take the MRT to Hougang then guess what MRT broke down we was stuck in the MRT for about like 10 minutes or more and we smelt a smell that is smelly like someone throw up or people doing their business....
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Today is a public holiday and I am having CO I told my dad yesterday that I am having my CCA today but he said that 20th is a public holiday but I did not believe him because that is what written in black and white on the consent form. And so I went to school with my friend ,LiQin we were embarrassed because everybody was staring at you and when we reached school the back gate was lock and no one was there so we sat at the bus-stop and waited to 2.00 pm and still no sign of them we went to Hougang Mall to purchase the file refill . We went to KPT to inform my parent about that first before I go.. well I can say that it was very embarrassed of us today
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I was sick so I did not write in my blog...... I 'm having cough and a bad flu and it's much better now... Just got home from CO and the store have been tidy up and I can't find the instrument that I used before I was so angry why should they clean and I have to use someone else instrument which was one of my best friend ,LiQin, it was hard to use because there is two 2 ,3 4 ,5 and so on well I guessed you would not understand me right it's ok but it make me confusing and I can't recognised but after that I got used to it soon....
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Today I did not did a single homework as I am tired because last night I slept at 12 plus which is why I can't get up early . The reason that I am awake for so long is because I was playing the Rubik's cube which I scramble till I can't fix it back then my sister help me with it but it was a failure so we have to pluck out everything and fix it back again...My heart hurts because my Rubik's cube was new...Ya my nose hurt for 2 days already inside went swollen as I think i rub too much
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When I was reading a story book I was actually thinking about the past which is when my younger sister was small ... we always play with her when she is still small but then when it comes to sleeping sometimes my younger sister had a nightmare which make her cried the whole night that the whole family was awaken by her cries and my mum have to carry her up and keep walking to keep her secure I remembered that my baby sister was wearing a yellow colour pants with a picture of bear on it....now that she is five and going to six I have to teach her treasure her as a sister because I normally cause her to shout and yell loudly.. I felt bad about this I know I've done wrong to her and now I can tell that my behaviour had gone from bad to worst... I hope to change and be myself again.............
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It has been raining for the past few days and because of this reason I can't go out at all......It's so boring at home.....well sad to say I have not completed my homework yet ...I've been lazy the past few days and also I get to go out today because it was not raining in the morning and didn't did I knew that it started raining in the afternoon and I have a hard time walking back home as my sandal went slippery underneath as you know friction causes wear and tear.....well I am still thinking of what to buy as a present for my grandmother birthday.....
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Went to Changi Airport Terminal 3 again because my dad did not get a chance to view it and it is the last day to view Terminal 3 which was fun. We choose the guided tour to gain more knowledge about the terminal and I been there twice and I realise that there is different between the English tour guide and the Chinese tour guide . The Chinese tour guide give you more details like ; the carpet we are steeping on comes from other country . I prefer the Chinese because It gives us more details and is more friendly ..Where else the English did not tell you in detail they only introduce you to the places and end the tour.....Here is some of the Picture that I took there...
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Having BBQ at Pasir ris Park pit 36 today it was not that entertaining but was quite fun I even injured myself there and not only one time but 2 time and it hurts a lot . The first one was when the boys throw my Frisbee and I end up picking up while walking one of the roots caught me and I was cut from the roots it was painful the other one was I was climbing up the spider web and was about to fall trying to grab hold of the rope tight I over stretch my finger.....Here is the picture that I took
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Lunch time today was awful as I was talking to my friend on the phone for quite a long time then we hang up and I was enjoying my noodles when I was about to finished I saw a insect in it ! At first I was not sure if I am going to swallow it just then I was a huge insect but I think it fly in by itself after all that I did not went on eating I stopped because it was way too disgusting the body of the insect was squashed!!!!!!!!!!!!
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8:o7 Am Well.. it was just yesterday that my sister claim her prize because she have won the spot and win contest well good for her . A $50 cheque and a $30 hamper was given to her and guess what the $30 hamper was all MILK! and of course some toys . Well nothing happened now cause it is in the morning you see 5:57 Pm well nothing happened today that's it I got a cut on my legs .....
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My sister came home from working in school her mouth is full of rubbish! she scolded everybody including me I don't know if she is influence by her classmates or what she scolded me and my mum because I packed her stuff and place it neatly she said that some of her stuff is missing I am just helping her to keep her place clean and tidy only! She scolede my sister because my sister touches her tamagachi screen . She scolded my daddy for mistaken her to use her things my sister had a very clear memory she told him that he finished using it I really don't know what really happened to her..... Here are some of the test I took what should your name be Georgia you are very smart and can be a bit of neard but still cool.The name Georgia suits your personality!Do i need 2 remind you 2 vote if u like this! How do you compare? Take this test! Tests from Testriffic Which Little Miss are you? Little Miss Giggles You are Little Miss Giggles,you just can't stop giggling! In fact,you gig...
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Well....today was quite boring because nothing much to do and I help my mother to mop the floor which was tirring I took some of the test because I was boring Are You Nice Or Mean Perfect Angel Your Sweet And Your Always Thinking Of Others You Make Everbody Happy =) How do you compare? Take this test! Tests from Testriffic Are you a good friend??? Best Friend You are the best friend a person could have don't worry your nice (not all the time) How do you compare? Take this test! Tests from Testriffic What type of angel are you? (Amazing anime pics!) Angel of Love You are an angel of love. You are incredibly passionate and romantic. You are quick to fall in love with people and quick to get your heart broken. Every night, even if you don’t realize it, you wish upon a star with all your heart. You wish that one day you will find your soul mate, that he will love you for you, and he won’t hurt you. My wish for you is that you stay an angel of love, no matter how many times you get yo...
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Yay! went to Pasir Ris to see where is pit 36 and also see what bus to take we also cycled there it was very fun and Pasir ris park seems to changed alot that time there is not much playgroung there but now there is a lot . It was an enjoyment there we had lots of fun playing and cycling I hope to go there again.....
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Wee!! went to Changi beach today and it is a very long journey from my house to Changi but I still can bear it though well it was tired getting there . I can say that the food there especially the Nasi Lemark is very nice I like the chilli it was not that hot but nice . After all that eating we went to the beach and dig for treasure which was not but seaweed we saw a lot of aeroplane flying just below us and it was very ear aching I like the scenery there it was very beautiful after all that fun we went home it was very tired here are some of the pictures that I take
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Having my CCA today so go early then on the way to school liQin and met Miss Muna and I forgot to greet her . I am can't decide because "H" told me that there is free ice skating at Kallang tomorrow and I not sure to go or not because it is way too far from my house and nobody is coming with me and I really really wanted to learn Ice skating I am very very interested in it I hope I can go but then It is embarass if I were to fall and I am afraid of pain but I do really hope to go it is a pity if I didn't go . Well...... this is my last change to decide if I make the wrong decision and that's it I lost this chance I really hope to go but just that my parent don't agree with it I hope mircles could happened.........but it seems that it won't ..... I like the ice skatevery much!!! I really hope to take up Ice skating as a sport CCA so cute of them!!
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Long time no bloggie......well what happened yesterday is that we meet up again to dicuess about the BBQ and wealready book the pit. Have way LiQin sister came and we cannot do our things with her looking and making us laugh and also .... just..... too crazy! After that we went to book and went to check the price if NTUC is cheaper od Cold storage and we found out that NTUC is much cheaper . well we plan to have our BBQ on the _ _ of november I don't wish to tell as I am afraid someone whom I don't know might turn up ..... Tell you on the actual date...Actually nothing happened today..............
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Was a busy day today we went to NTUC to check the price of the food and the things needed it was costly but we managed to calculate within our budget it was a tough decision make. I saw lot of my old friends there . It was raining in the afternoon so the meeting was delay from 1.30PM to 2 plus I think and manged to get home by 5PM . I can say that it is a tired day can hardly sleep....
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Well... today have to wake up early because need to meet at Hougang Mall to discuss about the BBQ and LiQin and I will be wearing uniform because straight after that we will have our CCA . It was very confusing and tiring because we have to sms everybody up to ask them when are they free and take it down. We do this to make sure that everybody can go . Went to CCA after that nearly get scolded by the teacher so scary but was fun and tiring . There would be one more meeting tomorrow about the BBQ....
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Went to Sentosa today and it was fun!!! It was rianing in the morning but turn scorthing hot in the afternoon . Well... we played the telematch there which was to compete against other 3 teams . I was in the red team and we came out with a group name called the Red Bull which I really like a lot and the cheer goes like this : Red Bull dynamic! Don't play with dynamic! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!. I like the design on the flag because It looked realistic. There are a few games we played the first game is where the judge command five hands and four legs we are suppose to place our hands and legs on the ground. The first one to do so will be awarded the most points. The second game was the letter forming game it is where the judge wanted the word cat we have to make use of our body to form that letter and unfortunatly I need to form the letter S and I had a hard time doing it . The third game was the toxic path is where we are suppose to bring 15 people across the across other side without touc...
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At last the day have arrived we plan to have BBQ for the class outing.Acyually nothing much happened today because our school lessons only end at 9.00am which was quite early . We went to our "new" classroom today which was the same it is smelly dirty and dusty I hate the classroom and we also have new classmates 3 from 1EB and that's all . And ya tomorrow will be going to Sentosa as my mother side the second sister the daughter have free tickets to go there so it would be a fun time tomorrow got to go and pack bye!
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Well our class had the highest percentage for nafa our form teacher went to take the prize. Our class also won the third cleanest class so I have to walk to the stage to collect the prize and also photo taking. We won $150 and plan to use the money to go class outing but still deciding now . Well the report book are giving back and I am quite happy with my result
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At last we plan to go to Escape Theme Park can't wait for the day to arrived. Well.... today captain ball game was a disaster but I fall and hurt myself on my knee. I have bruies on my left knee and cut on my right knee. It still hurts now...... Tomorrow will be getting back our report book I hope I will do well......
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"sigh" nothing to do expect Playing , chatting I felt so boring. But the class wanted to have a class outing yay at last my hope come true so happy!!!! Well I got nothing to do so I took a picture of my sister seal with my handphone pouch as her blanket I thought it look cute. There is a total of three pictures see if you can see them all
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Yoo- Hoo I passed English yay!!!!!!!!! so happy teacher said ther will be a class outing but the class have not decided where to go maybe a chalet maybe excape theme park maybe sentosa or maybe wild wild wet I hope is chalet!!!! Hope my dreams come true Tomorrow there is no school because of the pupils promiting to other class I hope I will be in the same class as LiQin Let's Pray Hard :)
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No reading period today because need to check paper which i hate all the papers are given back but I did not tell my parents because that is not the overall yet the overall is plus the CA and don't know what but I can say that one of my subject I failed very badly I was so sad because I did not studied much on it I regretted so much! I just wish to take the papers again :'(
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First thing I went to school is to put on my tie because today is tie day and I ask LiQin to follow me then she said that she could not button and so I helped her but when we are done with it and was about to go out we saw a Malay boy holding his camera in his hands and taking photo of us I was frighten and we both went to reported this matter to Miss Muna.Well End-of-year is round the corner here is the list: Thursday 27 September 2007 English Paper 1 & 2 Thursday 4 October 2007 Geography & Design & technology Friday 5 October 2007 History & Higher mother tongue paper 1 Monday 8 October 2007 Literature & math 1 Tuesday 9 October 2007 Chinese paper 1 & 2 Wednesday 10 October 2007 ...
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Had to mark attendance today because Miss Muna is on course and I do not know the pupils register no. and so I have to end up walking down the aisle and asking them what's you register number repeatedly for 16 times. As for the girls I know so I mark it quite happily :) and that's all got to go bye! Cute Babies!!
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Nothing Really much happened today expect that during the reading period our class were called up to the IT lab to do the survey which I find it so-so . Lucky that we are called up because my legs are going to numb soon . Here is a picture of mickey mouse and Minnie mouse This Is mickey mouse so CUTE! This Is Minnie Mouse SO CUTE!!!
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WEE! went to Sentosa today with Miss Liow & LiQin so happy we all took cable car there. At first I was frighten because it was my second time . The first time I took the cable car was when I was small about 6 or 7 I think now I am 13 so of course I am scared . It travel far at first then It slow down. When we reached but not Sentosa we went to tour around before we go to Sentosa . It cost us $11.90 for the return trip so it was worth it where else you go there it would cost $10.90.Then we came to a place where they have binoculars nut you need to put in $1 in order to look and so I insert and everybody takes a turn to see you can even see what's the people in the cable car doing. After all that walking we came to a dead end which means we finished exploring and needed to go back to the cable car to Sentosa. When we arrived there there was a clown making a balloon we was standing in front of them and he asked what kind of animals we want for the balloon we did not answer but Mis...
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I finished my English homework this afternoon yeah! and my sister is back from her camping! safe and sound in one piece so happy . The past two days I had been sleeping with my baby sister and when she needs to go to the toilet she had to wake me up which I am getting used to it now. I was tired on the first day because she was shaking my leg to wake me up which give me a shock eventually . Tomorrow will be going to "secret and will be reavel tomorrow if I have the time " and need to pack my bag . And you know what it is wednesday today and it is the first day of the month so we went out to have our lunch and went to NTUC to buy things we did not know that today is so called recycle day so you have to bring your bag we bought tissue and some green apples and end up paying for the plastic bag which is EXPENSIVE!!!! 10 cent for one no matter what size . Next Time I will take note of it on every wednesday not to go out! ha ha
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Need to go back to school for CCA again I'm tired . The teacher wants to test each and everyone of us and among all I played the worst because I've have not learn the song yet and then got scolded by the teacher :'( . Then when I was dissmised from CCA on the way home I saw a lot of insects so EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! hate it I am looking forward to Thursday because it is a big day
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Got to go back to school because of CCA having so much fun there! But then I realised that I forget to let my parent see my Report Card . What I can say that I did badly and needed to improved a lot I need to bark up!!! if not I will end up in NA I frighten what should I do no matter how hard I tried I can't do it and I am tired of failing exams agin and again unless I am fong of English can I do well but It seems that I'm the opposite anyone can give me suggestion that can help me in my English?? And my end of year is coming round the corner it start on the 27 sep so I need to study extra extra extremely hard this time so sad that I failed :'(
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SAD! Well I got sick and cannot visit my primary school because the medicine will make me sleepy. Sad. I had to perform for the teacher today so it was tiring but fun but I think our class will laugh at us because we did it badly I have to go up to the hall at 10.30pm so I asked Matthew to take charge all thanks to him for helping me!
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It had been days since I blog again XD well there is nothing special I need to mention today . In our class we need to decorate our table as our table was badly damaged for some . and ya I forgot to let Mr Wong to sign the class file see how forgetful of me silly me! oh one more thing it was raining cats and dogs today but I decided to walk home with my friend because there was a lot of people at the bus stop but in the end we played in the rain it was quite fun actually but I got sick I had a bad cough. Anyway my sister and I will be going to hougang Mall to but something ha ha not going to tell you guys got to go bye! today was a fun day but tomorrow will be even better!
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Bad thing!!! Bad thing!!! Ahhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! my very best friend had an offence slip AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! well it was not her fault & I don't want to explained the whole thing I am lazy to write and would also embarrassed them . We did not practise today because Magdelyn did not come she is sick she is having allergy reaction on her ear that's bad hope she get well soon! well since I have time I will say a bit only it goes like this there is 4 girl all of them did not wear their PE attire so teacher sent them to the general office to call their parents I think they scared that the teacher would spot their handphone so they pass it to good girl 1 she help them keep later teacher came up and ask her to take out all the things in her pocket and there was you know what teacher bring the good girl 1 down to write a report and it was an offence slip ...... and I will end here bye!
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So happy !!!!! My math pass!!!!! hooray!!!! . The audition we managed to get in which means we get to perform but my leg is aching because of long practises and my muscle is also aching too so pain very hard to sit down,climb up & down the stairs . Test just ended yesterday but because yesterday too tired so never blog hee hee lazy. Tomorrow there is also practise too I am just too tired to dance but it fun we stay back today to practise but end up playing ha ha hope tomorrow will go well...
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So stress!!! so many test hate it will fail for sure anyway today Magdelyn & Syazana came to my house to practise the dance which when well at first but was a disaster in the end almost forgot the steps and the audition is tomorrow I bad news is that I had become a class Chairman Hate it lor because it is very troublesome because you need to let the teachers sign every single period and I quite forgetful what if I forget I might as well step down ......
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The selling today was good we manage to sell all the things in less than 3 hours hooray!!! and we earn 78 or 9 dollars I can't remember then we had to clean up the place because it was dirty and I end up cleaning and with some of my friends of course .Matthew came and said I found nemo I smile and said ya ha ha I don't know how to react and he also help in cleaning up but was ask by form teacher This picture is cute don't you think???
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Today just finished English test "sigh" why must we have test almost every month this is tiring there is still a long way to go my test is not over yet I hope Singapore would be test free ha ha anyway tomorrow we will be celebrating national day I am so happy :) every class have a booth which allows us to sell snacks but homemade I made conflakes biscult I hope that they will like it I also took some photos with LiQin i hope my selling goes well :) '>
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Just yesterday I fell into the drain today I was hit by the badminton racket on my back near my shoulder which still hurts now.Today after school I went to 7 11 with LiQin then we sitting down and eat not long after we saw Brenda then later we go home in the lift then I realise that I have not returned the class room key I was so frighten so I quickly go home put my bag and went back to school I was running so I was nearly knock down by the car so scary!!! in the school I put back the key I felt thirsty so I bought a bottle of drink later Mr came i greeted him he then ask me which class am I from I said 1EE I don't want to say his name because I don't know how to spell almost forgot today our school have public canning so scary I dare not to go any futher anymore for now I'm going to end here because exams round the corner start at 6 of August this might be my last post before my exams bye!!!
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Bad luck Bad luck I fall into the drain while searching for the leaves bad luck but I don't know why I felt it funny and laugh out loud just before I had that fall It hurt at first but now it dosen't but it had the buries and where the skin came out I know that disgusting but who ask me not to be careful serve me right .LiQin saw it and I was embarrased because the way I fall is ugly you can see what's inside but luckly I wear a short pants indise it was so painful at that moment . After school I will be having my CO which was HORRIBLE!!! because it was like the sec ones don't know how to play only the upper sec and whay's more the teacher was very strict when teaching but friendly when the lessons was over even the seniors were frighten of them ha ha. Today was a bad day I hope tomorrow will be even better! :'(
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Today had a lot of fun during PE lesson we played dutch ball it was a fun game we have to hit the opponent with the ball I was in Matthew,Norman,Raimi group it was lot of fun I did not get the ball but I escape when the ball was flying towards me ha ha !!! but our form teacher said that during oral yesterday the boys were playing paper ball and the boys accidently threw the paper ball & hit my head and I did forgive them but the teacher know it because someone wrote a report and I did not know who.Then later norman came and scold me he shouted at me I got throw meh i got meh each time he said that the voice was getting louder I was so scared I feel like crying and I try not to I am so sorry for causing them into big trouble they have to have detention so sorry!! :'(
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Tuesday, 31 July 2007 Having oral but it when well we had to wait in the classroom then some of the boys are playing paper balls Shafizan hit the ball at my head which hurts then Matthew wanted to throw the stack of newspaper at Shafizan but it ended up at me on my knees which only hurt a little bit haha having lots of fun there Today is a fun day Tomorrrow would be even better!!!! Monday, 30 July 2007 So frighten tomorrow I am having English,oral,Geography test I am frighten I failed I hope there is no test in this world . anyway what happened today is that the whole of sec 1 have to stay back for the mind sport day it is where they give you puzzle and you have to solve but out of 15 we only solve 5 then I heard people say "Si PeckYong lah"which means die Peck Yong I think it is Brenda lor because our group know how to solve the puzzle called the T's they don't know but want answer from us but I refused because they have to solve on their own.When we are able to go ...