Having my CCA today so go early then on the way to school liQin and met Miss Muna and I forgot to greet her . I am can't decide because "H" told me that there is free ice skating at Kallang tomorrow and I not sure to go or not because it is way too far from my house and nobody is coming with me and I really really wanted to learn Ice skating I am very very interested in it I hope I can go but then It is embarass if I were to fall and I am afraid of pain but I do really hope to go it is a pity if I didn't go . Well...... this is my last change to decide if I make the wrong decision and that's it I lost this chance I really hope to go but just that my parent don't agree with it I hope mircles could happened.........but it seems that it won't .....

so cute of them!!
I like the ice skatevery much!!! I really hope to take up Ice skating as a sport CCA

so cute of them!!