The grieve that is still in me

It's been a while... lots of things happened... Some things I just don't know how to put it into words... It's hard for me to say or even type it out cause it breaks my heart.... but I've think I've become stronger than before... I've lost my beloved grandpa on the 30 Jan this year... He was a hundred... I don't know who to put the blame on but myself.... to be honest, I have not open my heart out to anyone about this issue and you readers will be the first to hear it... I've lost my grandma a few years back and that made me to cherish my grandparents who are still here with me more. I've spent more time with them, bring them out for some ice cream or short walks to keep them accompany. I do visit them every week on weekends. As for my grandpa, his memory is deteriorating due to his age, at times he can remember me and talk a lot to me but for this year, he became more tired, more quiet... I always make it a point to go up to him and ask him who am ...