It's April!!! Time flies... I'm happy to say that I'm going to graduate with a diploma certificate this coming May =) To be exact, it will take place on the 30th of May =) Can't wait for it !! Sooo I was thinking... what's next for me?


I have lots of things that going on in my mind for the past few week.... some of the thoughts made me worried... some put me into deep thoughts... some even made me think through what I had done .... and one of the most worried one that I thought about it for a very long time was University. It's tough getting into a University, not to mention going through the learning process... this leads me to my first worries... what if I am not accepted by any University? Then what would be next for me? I thought about it... if none accepts me, I guessed that I would have to work first and try again for the University the next year? But I'm am praying that a University accept me ...


Another worry that I have was; am I treating my parents good enough? I have this feeling that I'm treating them bad... not respecting them enough... There's some point where I feel like bursting out in tears.. But eventually I did not because I was in the public places. But I really don't understand why I have this feeling that I am disobeying them... Am I in some sort of stress in some areas? Well… doubt me? Or maybe I was thinking too much?? Gosh...


Anyway, let's move away from that topic... I've got my academic transcript and my graduation ceremony invitation cards!!! Was hoping to get more invitation cards as I would really like to invite all of my family to join me!!  Hahas!!! Hopefully I could get some =)


Moving on, I DO REALLY HOPE THAT I CAN GET INTO A UNIVERSITY!! it would really really be a dream come true if I am accepted in a University....

Oh and these are the songs that I found, which are good to listen to =) Enjoy!


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