Irritating me!!

I just started my Final Year Project two weeks ago and the coming week is the third week. I’m really very tired because we have to report to school at 8.30am – 6pm every day except for Friday which ends at 5.30am. I was supposed to wake up at 5.45am everyday but I was too tired and need more sleep. So I woke up at 6am every day and left house at 6.40am ++
The project that I’m assigned to was to do test case on either the web app or the tablet. Since my partner chose the tablet so I did the web app one. But few days later when I was about to complete my test case for the web app, my supervisor sent me an email asking me to do test case for the tablet and so I have to redo my test case again. I really had to like rush out the test case as I need to complete on week 1 Friday and I was like given 2 days to complete. Nevertheless I manage to complete my first draft J when doing the test case, we need to like work with the developers who develop the application and the website. As I was changed to doing the tablet one, I had lots of doubts as I’m not sure if it’s the correct way to respond. So I list down the entire question and went to ask the developers. I felt so embarrassing because I’m like making the developer repeats a few times before I get it…. Hahas!!! That’s why I find myself irritating as I kept like asking the same question. I think the developers also find that I’m irritating too. Hahas! But anyway I’m new to the tablet so I had lots of doubts. Anyway, I find that testing the tablet quite interesting and fun hahas!!
And in the lab room, there are lots of small little things that happened which makes me laugh a lot. Mind you it’s SMALL LITTLE THING. For example, one of my lab mates who was too engrossed in looking at his hand phone that he forgot to tab his card to open the door (i.e we have to tab out admin card to open the door) and I saw it from behind and I kept laughing like mad because when he was pushing the door, he was like oh… cannot then he saw me and I cover my mouth and laugh… HAHAS!!! Way too hilarious!!!! I did managed to settle down after some time… Hahas!!!
Jiamin is going overseas on Monday and she will be back 1 moth later :’(  I have no lunch partner! L hahas! But she did “assign” me to another group to have lunch with them. Hahas!! Hope that she have a safe flight J

Below is a song that I have been listening to and I like they dance!!!


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