Happy, Emotional, Mixed

Lots of things happened to me recently. 9th May was my mum birthday so my sister and I bought a cake and a watch for her. I was pleased with the cake as it was nice :D. On that day itself I had 2 presentations; Law, Governance and Ethics was the first presentation and I screwed up the whole presentation. I wasn't prepared enough and one of my presenter was not present yet. I was the one who has to start first so I was buying time so that the  presenter could make it for the presentation, but I can't as the lecturer told us to start. I was so worried that I stammered over a lot of words, my thoughts wasn't clear. 10% GONE! Next presentation was Enterprise Application Development Project. Our group did manage to have a rehearsal before the actual presentation so it went quite smoothly for me. Emotional day, really an emotional day for me.

I managed to complete all my tutorials and I'm left with communication skills jobs adv. I hope I can find one soon =)

I just recovered from flu and because I used too much tissue, part of the skin on my lips came off and it's very painful. The skin harden and it's very difficult for me to wipe my mouth after meal and even drink I hope it does not leaves a scar....


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