500 th post! Bad Day.

This is my 500th post! At last, I've reach 500. I went to school today for extra Econs lessons. The lecturer return us our Quiz 1 paper... I didn't do well. I failed. :'( I have no mood to carry on the lessons after the lecturer return the paper. 10% of my marks gone. I don't know what to do. I cannot fail anyone of the subject in the final year. I hope that I can at least get a C for this subject.,that's all I'm hoping for. In the evening, my dad was just telling me that education was important given that now the economy is competitive. After hearing him talk, I thought of my Econs Quiz. I felt useless! My dad said that I took Financial Informatics was to get into one of the University when I graduate from Poly. I'm asking myself, Do I really have a chance to even enter any University with this kind of result? I'm scolding myself for not doing well when my dad was there telling me about the future education. My question to myself is : Do I stand a chance?!


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