Shouldn't have did it that way!!

I just had HTML Practical test today and now I am very freaking angry with myself!!! I have done up the web page but in the end, when I ruin it, the whole documents changes and everything that I did corrupted!!! Darn it!!!!!!!!! 20%!!!! of my score went to the drain just like that!!!!!! What am I going to do ????!!!!! Damn freaking angry with myself!!!!! Stupid me!!!!

已经知道我所做的是正确的,我还是去给它添加更多的东西. (画蛇添足)


Gonna focus on written test!

Tomorrow getting back POA and Programming practical I think. I just hope to at least pass the POA test that's all. I don't ask for anything much. A pass would do. Same for Programming Practical.


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