I'm freaking out!

Assignments not completed yet! I went back to school on Thursday to discuss the project with my group member and it seems that we did not do a thing. All I was doing was to try to link from one of the web pages to another of the web pages. The project basically was to create a website using our knowledge that we have learnt from the HTML lectures. It sounds fun because you get to create a new website all on your own but it is difficult when what you said about the features that you want for the website is impossible to create it given the limited knowledge you have. And that's frustrating! We have already planned how our website will look like but it's impossible to make it the way we want it as we did not learn how to create it. Now, given an assignments on creating a new website to sell things that you want, it's DIFFICULT!!!! that's why I'm freaking out! I'm thinking of ways to improve the looks of my websites and hopefully I could get it done before the deadline(8 July) *pray*


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