It the beginning of a new month lots of thing are starting to pile up especially for the up coming SYF. I am really very scared . Lots of new thing have to be learn and also remember hope that I won't go wrong on the actual day. Before that, our school will be having a musical night which allow our parents to see what have we been practising for all this while. I do hope that my family will be present on that day itself. Well.. lets come back to what happened today. When I walked back home form school today I actually saw a bird eating a worm so I stopp by to take a look on how it was eaten but after a while, the bird have not eaten anything yet so I went back home. Talking about bird, recently I have been seeing birds dead on the ground. It disgusting. Just today, I saw a dead bird just outside my school. The moment I saw it , I started screaming for a short while and walk away. It was really a very disgusting scene...
Got back all my result. I am not very pleased with it. I did not do well. I hope that I can still stay in EA next year but the chances are very slim. I don't want to separate from my friends. I want to stay in EA. I always got this feeling that i will drop to the other class or even drop to N. I hope not. I wanna stay in EA.