
Showing posts from December, 2017
loads of unfortunate things happen for the past weeks... Grandma was breathless for weeks, helper called stating that her fingers changed colour... we got worried and her down to the hospital... she was diagnosed with fluid in her lungs.. had to use the oxygen tube to assist her in the breathing... I was heart broken on the inside... seeing that she has to suffer, lost her appetite... Going in and out of the hospital was really tiring on my end... bought some food to persuade her to take which eventually she did, everyday without fail she will asked the same question "can I go back home now?" :'( it takes time to recover... I hope that she recovers fast... Just recently, my sister told me the news of  SHINEE, a Kpop group that I first listen to, a member JongHyun passed away.. I was shocked by the news, only realized later that he was suffering from the inside a lot... read his message and viewed his videos, he is always seen as a very outspoken person on all TV shows.....