
Showing posts from January, 2013

New Year! New beginnings!

2013 is here!!! Yay!! I have not post for a very long time because I was busy. The last few weeks of December was quite an ordeal to me because I was experiencing itchiness and pain :'( During week 10, I did not go to school on Thursday and Friday because I had Chicken pox. It was really very itchy!! They said not to scratch it because it would leave a scar but it easier said than done. I did scratch a little to relive the itch but not too much. Went to see the doctor and she prescribe me with the itch medicine. But it seems useless because the itch would come back after the medication is gone. What's worst was that during the last 2 days of my absence, I have 2 quizzes to take which I have to miss them. When school reopen, I had to retake it... For the whole week, I station myself on the sofa doing nothing because I can't do anything. The itch is terrible!!! I was also too weak to move. I also had sore throat and was down with a fever too.... Luckily I recove...