Never Ending Projects & Quizes
I went to Jiamin House to study our Enterprise Application Development Practical Test on Tuesday. I'm glad that I manage to solve some of the problems :) Almost coming to the end of the semester and my Projects is still not completed yet. I hope that I can get it completed by Week 16 ...let's say Monday? Week 16, Monday, I have to complete my projects or else..... nothing... I just found out a song title that I loved it when I listen to it for the first time. It's called SECRETS! I love her voice and I also love the person playing the cello! Basically I LOVED EVERYTHING! Exams Time Table out! 21-AUG-12 (TUE) 04:00PM - 05:30PM FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 22-AUG-12 (WED 12:30PM - 02:30PM DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS 27-AUG-12 (MON) 04:00PM - 06:00PM LAW, GOVERNANCE AND ETHICS All are in the afternoon slots which I don't quite like it because I may feel sleepy... Anyway I hope to do well =D