I'm worst!
I don't know what happen but I can't really move my neck from left to right late last night and I think it was because of this, I had a slight fever becuase my head was aching. I felt as though I have strain my neck and it hurts a lot until now. Gosh! so many things happen to me. I have to go to school today for a remedial lessons on programming. Our programming lecturer said that this year paper was a little little little little bit difficult from the previous years. I thought to myself, the past years papers was quite difficult for me to handle and this year would be a little little little little bit difficult would mean very very very extremely difficult for me. I just hope that during the examination, there would be a laptop there so that I would be able to use the eclipse program to check for my errors. I really have to buck up. The past two papers.... well.... I hope for the best. Computing mathematics, I don't know how to do the matrix question and I don't even h...