
Showing posts from August, 2011

I'm worst!

I don't know what happen but I can't really move my neck from left to right late last night and I think it was because of this, I had a slight fever becuase my head was aching. I felt as though I have strain my neck and it hurts a lot until now. Gosh! so many things happen to me. I have to go to school today for a remedial lessons on programming. Our programming lecturer said that this year paper was a little little little little bit difficult from the previous years. I thought to myself, the past years papers was quite difficult for me to handle and this year would be a little little little little bit difficult would mean very very very extremely difficult for me. I just hope that during the examination, there would be a laptop there so that I would be able to use the eclipse program to check for my errors. I really have to buck up. The past two papers.... well.... I hope for the best. Computing mathematics, I don't know how to do the matrix question and I don't even h...

I'm better!

This Friday night or should I say this Friday night? anyway I did not feel well on Friday night. I had diarrhoea and I don't know why. I ate the same thing as my sister and I got diarrhoea not only that I had a splitting headache. Imagine going to the toilet often when you are having a splitting headache. It's maddness. I really feel sick and uncomfortable but after a few hours, the diarrhoea stop then I had fever. Fever + splitting headache = dead . I thought that this would never stop because I am afraid that I might not be able to take my exams on the 31 August. I got better on Saturday but my stomach feels weird. It feels hot and I can't stand upright. Whenever I tried to, I feel like crouching down. It feels as though my stomach was turning. I still went out with my parents for lunch in the afternoon . I have to walk like an old lady ( to crouch down) however, I tried to walk normally to prevent my parents knowing about it. Fortunately, in the night, my condition got ...

Study Week!

I don't have to attend school this week because I'm having a study week. I have started studying and I am very worried for my Principle of Accounts. I hope that there is no Principles of accounts next semester. I'm struggling with it already. I've practised the past years papers but because there are no answers given to it, therefore I do not know if my answers are correct. I felt that I did not do much studying at home. I'm taking things way too easily. Today was the last episode of 同伊 and I don't understand what the show is about, it's kind of confusing, to me. Anyway, as I was saying I had to prepare for my studies so now that 同伊 is no longer showing on television, I can now focus on my studies (hope so). I hope that I will be able to do well...
I'm SOOOOO NOT looking forward to this Weekend I'm having a Presentation on Monday and I've not even prepare myself yet!

Not my Day!

I bang into people two times. I was walking out from the MRT Station when I felt thirsty and wanted to but a drink so I kept looking to the left at the Guardian shop which was beside the Ticket Office. I didn't realise that there was a man was walking towards me at my right I think he was looking at some other direction too. Then we bang into each other. He apologise to me. Actually I should have apologise to him because I wasn't looking at where I was going. Next, when I reach the bus stop, I waited for the bus and then a school boy bang against my bag. He was walking backwards that's why he bang into me. He apologise. unlucky. Presentation!!! My group was the last to present!!!! This means that my group have to perform well to score well because each time a group presents their project, the lecturers would then raise the standard and expectation for the next group. Being arranged in the last group was disaster!!!! Now,knowing that my group was the last to present, everyon...

I've broke record !

I had only one lecture today because the other lectures and tutorials have already ended last week. That means that I have to go to school today for one lecture which start at 1pm and end at 2.40pm(teacher dismissed early). Well ... I've said that I broke record because I did not even talk to any of my friends today. I never even open my mouth to speak anything. I don't know why I did not open my mouth to talk to anybody ,it feels weird though. Anyway,I am left with 7 days to my final presentation and I have not even complete the project yet. I'm freaking out right now. I just hope that I can manage to complete on time and do a good presentation. I don't want to fail this.