
Showing posts from May, 2009
I was extremely sad and tired the past few days including today and maybe the day after tomorrow and the next and maybe forever? Who knows it will last? Nobody. I don't know why I was sad? result? or what and I tried not to interfere anything and make a commotion out of it. I just don't know why. It just that I don't like me.. anymore. P.S my dad is coming home tonight around midnight and I am going to wait for him.
H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y T O M E ! I am very Happy today! it is my birthday! I am 15 ! Yeah! I don't know why , I feel very High today! Here are the photos that are taken. This is my cake. It's obvious that I celebrate my Birthday early in the morning as you can see some of them are in their pajamas expect for my dad and me because my day is flying off to Shen Yang to work and I want him to eat my cake before he left... These are my presents. Thank You everyone for the present I like it very much :). My friends from sec 1 and 2 wish me a happy birthday :) they have not forget about me :) This is the picture that my dad went to take a cab to Shen Yang. I'll miss him. In the afternoon, went to have lunch at Ajesan. It cost a bomb! but it's okay as we eat on a special occasion like birthday :). Then in the evening, went to play badminton ! I have stop playing since the Mid Year Exams. But I get the chance to play it today!After playing, went to dine at...
I failed my English. Hate it... Once I failed my English that means that I have failed my overall . I just hate it. It just reflects how poor I am and I should not be in the EA class. I am the only one who will just pull the class MSG down. It's all because of me. I almost failed very subjects. It is just the project work , daily class work, filing and class participation points that helped me to pull up my grades. But what will happen to me in the 'O' level exams? They will not have project whatsoever. It all depends on that paper .I just hate it. It just reflect how bad and poor I am . P.S my birthday is coming soon and I think it will be my worst day ever. 2 more days left...
I know my result for all subjects expect for English. I am very disappointed with my History and Social Studies as I thought that I could achieved a better result. I did pass but not good enough. Without counting my project work, I got E8. When added project work I got C6. Although I pass , I did not meet the target. I took a so called quiz and here is the result. Teo Peck Yong teo 2+5+6=13 peck 7+5+3+2=17 yong 7+6+5+7=25 13+17+25=55 5 + 5 = 10 1 + 0 = 1 The Name Number is : 1 One is the leader. The number one indicates the ability to stand alone, and is a strong vibration. Ruled by the Sun. Keywords: independent, creative, original, ambitious, determined, self-assured. If expressed negatively: arrogant, stubborn, impatient, self-centered. As lovers: Number ones take the lead in love. Love and/or the chase is of utmost importance to these lovers. There can be self-centeredness, however. These lovers are willing to experiment, and they can be quite exciting, they can also require a lot...
Took back my Mother Tongue paper and overall I pass but not in the paper two. It is the paper one that pull me up. :) Also The teacher return the social studies and History paper. I failed. But hopefully that the project will pull me up . Tomorrow will be getting back the Chemistry, I hope I do well.
Our Biology teacher return us the biology paper and I score a B3 which I think it was very bad as I did not meet the expected target of the teacher. The expected target was 2. But it's okay there is always another paper. so look at the bright side. I also got back mine Additional and Elementary paper Mathematics. I score pretty for both of the paper... Additional Math I score a A1 and it applies for Elementary math paper one and two.But it was because of some of the careless mistakes that I have made if not I could have score higher . I guess i was not reading the question carefully. I learnt quite alot from the two papers and I hope that I would not make the same mistakes again.
FINALLY!!! MID-YEAR-EXAMS OVER!!! FREEDOM!!!!! yay!!! Bad news: failed my physic badly....... :( Good News: I can enjoy my day ! play all I want! Isn't that great? My last paper today was Biology. The paper was tough and I really hope that I pass. Now let me discuss on every single subject. English Paper 1 & 2 : Hope to pass! It is the Main Paper! If i fail this I fail my mid year exams...die die must pass Additional Mathematics : Our teacher said that five of the girls in the class failed... pray hard it's not me! Elementary Mathematics 1 & 2 : paper 1 everybody pass :) not sure about paper 2 . I was not given any news about it..... hope to pass *cross fingers* Mother Tongue paper 1 and 2 : I have already given up on them. It's killing me! My Chinese have gone from bad to WORST! and I mean it's that WORST! Chemistry : Might as well jump off the building! Really hope to pass Biology :AHHHH!!! hope to pass Physic : I am dead for sure! Combined Humanities ; Socia...