Math lessons went to IT lab 2 to study .... the ones who finished their work can suft the net so I went in to my sister blog to her..well I am being mean ...I don't know why I just feel like flooding so... then later during VE lessons.. Imran teach the class about respect which makes the whole class laugh because it's very funny can't stand him...then after school went to find Mdam Goh to pass her the Newspaper article that LiQin have collected and had to give her by today... we went round the whole school just to find her but cannot find her but actually she is in the staff room...and because she is new so her number is not placed outside so can't contact her... but luckly Miss muna came out then we are saved !!! we asked her to help us called Madam Goh out ...she said why so long we answered that we cannot call her she said next time shout for her....
Showing posts from June, 2008
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well..can be a boring day can also be a fun day...i don't know what to say because I have nothing to say I admit that I am lame ...went to NTUC to buy KFC.... i growing fatter...i have been eating too much nowadays....but all I want is to slim down so I have to control my diet also.... that's it... byes
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same as usual...but during the last period the class went crazy because they were sort of bullying our form teacher... Miss Muna asked me to take the ball from the boy i did but Imran snatch it away from me ...but at last the ball is still with Miss Muna...well our co-form teacher is Madam Goh...our Chinese teacher also change ... we actually have to split classes because short of teachers... now we got our own teacher...Then that sin wee always like to draw on my table.. don't know why then later take picture of it....
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Toady well.. I can say worst of my life....because I skip my CCA I know that I am in the wrong this is my first ever time skipping CCA I do not know what will happened to me ...Maybe detention or suspension but I hoped that the punishment would not be so bad because it was my first time...Actually i thought of going it's just that LiQin don't want to go so i follow her because if i were to go I am the only one playing the instrument I think ...On the way home quarrel with her ... First time she uses such a loud tone.. me too... sometimes in class ... and ya..miss muna lost the class photo which I think that we are the last class to collect the class photo ...In the end she had to pay for all the class photos that we more thing I LOST MY PENCIL...It was so precious to me....not only that IT COST $4.95 ..see how expensive!!!! hate it.... I just hope I could remember where I put it ...
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well..its been a long time since i never blog because of heavy loads of homework....not only that also because of my CCA it had change timing from 2-5 to 3.15 -6.15 I will reach home late and i will finished my homework late.... why must we change the timing??? so irritating...nothing really much happened today...
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went to raimi house to do the ipw project today... we had to find leaves ... well it was very fun but did not manage to finished the project because we were playing... but it ok because we can finished it at home.. this is what LiQin make... From this... To this.... To this.... At last this...which says art Manger is drug free
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CCA was fun actually but scary because our sectional teacher was very mad at us she even make one of the student cried.... I pity her.... i hope that the previous teacher would come back... I miss her method of teaching....i don't really like the way the teacher teach now because if one person play wrongly , the whole group have to restart again until we get it right... I know that it is a way to make us improve but it is way too hard for those who are playing the instrument pipa because we have to "lun" which is to keep "roating our fingers again and again which make it very tired...but the whole song was fun.After all the sectional practise it was combine practise already ... but during our combine practise there was a insect that was approaching us LiQin saw it first followed by me ..worst of all it was heading towards me.. I tried to stay clam of course but somehow i can't then i scream not that loud...the others were wondering what was all that sc...
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AHH!!! June holidays ending soon... i am left with English homework:done Math test(heymath):done Math Project:done Science:not done i don't know what to do went to buangkok station kopi tiam house to eat... It is new there and the environment is not bad ... but one thing that is bad is the condition in the kopi tiam house...too many houseflies.... the other thing I want to command on is that the drinks especially the longan drink is very do try to go and eat that side....
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bYAY!!!! so happy i finished the June holiday homework ... Not all now left with the science ...talking about science it give me a headdach....because I need to collect 10 stars and I have only 1 and what's more.. some of the task need to do to the Science Centre but I don't have the money to go there....CCA again but i am happy because I enjoyed my CCA .... but today the teacher is very strict and that is why I am afraid that is also why I did not played the song well... but it's ok there is room for improvement... By the way LiQin gave me my birthday present althought my birthday have past very long ago... Thanks LiQin I like it very much... the plastic bag the sheep(so cute) the bear
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.....tired..... I finished my heymath test...yay! damn tired tomorrow have CCA again and this time LiQin is going with me yay! i just finished the heymath test so very tired ... on the 12 of June was my grandmother birthday which is on the Thursday which is also why i never turn up for my CCA... I am in pain......
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Another boring day.... I watch Harry Potter show at about 10 plus and it ended at about 1 plus ...then later my younger sister want to see the incredible I on it and let her see...then later she said don't want to watch so i switch it off and started playing psp play until 4-5 plus because I was sharing with my younger sister to play with it..... help my mum with the dinner went to bath...later my younger sister thought that it was my eldest sister came home went to open the door so big and realise that it was not my eldest sister it was a person selling things.... I started laughing..... never see who is it , went to open the eldest sister is still not at home yet and I don't know how long will she take her dinner with her friends.... I don't know about tomorrow.... maybe I am the only person who kept quiet....i want to be with my sister .... I don't know what to do... hope that it was over...
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CCA today again... I thought that I would actually enjoyed it but it came out no.... because I am the one and only one who turn up for the plucking while the rest went for fusion practise..... well the teacher teach me the song and also the speed the rhythm my fingering and blah.... i was tired because the teacher was in font of me the whole day and I have to keep playing and playing until I get the right note it was tiring........ but at least it make me improved quite a lot.....
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Today was again boring!!!! watch tv play psp read books and I think that's about it it's just boring and ya the math test will be issue today and I think I will be doing it today ... because I spent the time on the computer playing games .....My eldest sister went to Science camp today until Wednesday I think well... i am going to sleep with my youngest sister again I hope that she will not be playful .... I hope my sister will sleep well there..... so do LiQin I don't know what to do without her during Chinese Orchestra tomorrow .... I am afraid that there will be fusion practise tomorrow because if there is I am going to be the one who is being teach by the teacher I am afraid hope there is no fusion practise tomorrow......I hate it..
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I AM SOOOO ANGRY!!!!!! I WANNA SCOLD VULGARITIES BUT CAN"T BECAUSE MY PARENT WOULD SCOLD!!!!! AHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I DON"T KNOW WHAT TO SAY!!! DAMN ANGRY !!!! HATE IT !!!! HOPE THAT THAT DAY WOULD NOT COME AGAIN!!! I AM TOO ANGRY TO SAY ANYTHING I WILL POST LATER ........ 5:32pm well... i am still angry but it's ok i will still write nothing happened much at home i was just whole day sleep and watching to or playing with my younger sister....... Now I am sad to say this LiQin is going to Korea and she will be back by 15 June..... once again I wish her a safe journey.... she will be leaving her home around 5-7pm ..... I will miss her.........
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WAH! the almost the whole day doing the holiday homework!!!! I going insane !!!!! I done the math test and project , the whole of English and now I am left with the science and also waiting for the rest of the math test to be upload.... For science we are suppose to collect 10 stars and now I have only 1 star... so pathetic..... I not sure If i can finished my homework....but I can finished my homework in one condition only if I don't watch TV and don't play sit there whole day doing ...... It gonna be tiring....
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Yes ! Chinese Orchestra!!! I don't know why I like CO now playing together with LiQin and another EA friend I feel so happy ..... But for next week Practise it gonna be board because LiQin won't be coming as she have to fly to Korea.. I wish her a safe journey... it fun and I enjoyed it.... I did my homework today but have not finished ... there is quite a lot.... that's all Bye!
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Last Night my younger sister tooth became loose and had to extract it out straight a way my mum tied dental floss at her loose tooth at pull upwards ....of course she cried because is pain here is how she look like... I thought she looked cute :P CIP at somerset ... it is the donation for the children home and we have the tin stand there for hours and asking people to donate... well it was quite tiring but have fun because we are helping the children home to do the best we can to help .... I managed to finished 1-3 pages of stickers.... it was very tiring after all that,went back to hougang and bought bubble tea lychee flavour to drink because I was damn thirsty I finished my mineral water .... The logo on the floor The emo girl.......... I Need to Know by Barbie Where is the land I come from ,who lives where I was born ,why do my memories start with a storm What if I have a family? Somewhere beyond the sea, could there be someone there missing me. Tell me! Why I'm not sleepin...
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Again CCA well... i enjoyed myself there and practise....reach there at 2 then meet with LiQin walk to school together while walking saw Sin Wee I demand my pencil back from him then he said later then Blah blah blah.....reach the room they said now is fusion practise which means those who are involved in the 80th anniversary 5pm is combine practise.... for those who are not involved are to practise the new song that is given out ....our sectional teacher teach us and we knew how the whole song go about.... then later break then blah blah.... practise until 5 the chairman said that the teacher is not here so we have two choices is either we go home or Jason conduct in the end all want to go home......